Zuben here.
Two esoteric researchers I've really been enjoying, and who directly influenced the naming of Agents of Venus, are Freeman and Henrik Palmgren. The former is the son of a freemasonic grandmaster who went on to do some heavy research into the history of the masonic order in America and the occult meanings of their writings, corporate symbols, and government systems. The latter is a Swedish researcher who has created an amazing website, Red Ice Creations, that carries on the important conversation of understanding the occult symbolism in European and western culture and the European Union. Sometimes you might find Henrik interviewing Freeman on his site. Both researchers explore conspiracy, spirituality and gnosticism, lost mythological history, extra terrestrials, world power systems, religion, cutting edge science, and lots of other goodies your not supposed to discuss in polite company. If you have an hour and a half, I would recommend you check out these two films that explain Venus' relation to the power structures in western civilization. Its certainly worth your time to attempt to understand what your governments believe in. Did you know that Venus is the goddess of America and the European Union? Is she the goddess Columbia? Is she the goddess Europa? If you live in these civilizations, and serve their political and economic systems, doesn't that make you an Agent of Venus?
Freeman's Perspective on Venus as Columbia and the symbolism of the US
Henrik Palmgren on Venus as Europa and the hidden roots of the European Union
You'll notice after watching both videos that Henrik and Freeman both draw the connection between the planet Venus and Lucifer, both being known as the "morning star" in popular culture and historical writing. This connection starts to introduce a darker side to the Venus mythology, one I have been working up my courage to explore in this blog at some point. Today I found an excellent article at Red Ice Creations that makes the connection between the planet Venus' movement around the sun, Lucifer, the Roman blacksmith god Vulcan (the Volcano God), extra terrestrial contact, Princess Di and Michael Jackson, Vulcans from Star Trek, Arthur C Clark, the Vatican, the Mayans, and the world cataclysms we've been seeing, especially the recent volcano eruptions. Please go here to check it out. I'm not familiar with the website this info is from, but the pulled back perspective, the large overhead mapping, the grand level of connections these guys are making are certainly worth a glance.
Welcome to the Agents of Venus blog

We Love You
Dig the AoV : Boduvt DigiAlbum
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Agent Lodog gives AoV: Boduvt the big push
Good buddy Lodog aka Lorin Kalisky has given a rather well written review of Boduvt, just a testament to the quality of the record, in my (not so) humble opinion. You can read it at CD Baby, as you also listen to clips of the songs and then buy the album or mp3s, or you can haul ass over to Lo to the Dog's blog and dig in, cause Lorin ain't just whistlin' -- homeboy's a busy man. Lorin tells me he wrote this review after listening to the album "20 times in a row." An even greater testament, in my ever unhumbled opinion....
yer pal Zuben

yer pal Zuben
Monday, May 10, 2010
Zuben El Genubi interviews, AoV songs on The Invisible World with Frank Todaro
Agents ahoy!
Your pal Zuben aka Phil Ristaino, Agent of Venus here. Glad to see you back. This is a quick post. Over the past month, month 1/2, I've been interviewed twice on the magnificent The Invisible World with Frank Todaro. Frank is an actor who lives in NYC with a great voice for radio, as well as a fellow sci fi promulgator and comic book buff. Up until mid last year, we performed together in the NYC long form episodic improv group Start Trekkin NY. Frank became a great friend, and we would have long conversations about paranormal phenomena and fictional fascination. Fortunately, Frank is channeling his love for BSG, Dr Who and the X Men into a weekly online radio show. It gets better and better every week, so get on over there and download his shows! You can hear new ones at his show's site every Tuesday night.
In the mean time, Frank was kind enough to feature two Agents of Venus tunes on the show: Hero with 1000 Eyes in the first interview, and Cobalt Silver on the second. Hopefully this trend will continue and we will play the entire album over the course of 12 interviews, if Frank says its cool. Thanks, Agent Todaro!
Also featured in the interviews: my take on synchronicity, stories of phenomena I've experienced that I can't truly explain, visions, 2012, precognitive dreams, and lots more. Dig it and dig in!
Invisible World interview 3/23/2010
Invisible World interview 4/20/2010

In the mean time, Frank was kind enough to feature two Agents of Venus tunes on the show: Hero with 1000 Eyes in the first interview, and Cobalt Silver on the second. Hopefully this trend will continue and we will play the entire album over the course of 12 interviews, if Frank says its cool. Thanks, Agent Todaro!
Also featured in the interviews: my take on synchronicity, stories of phenomena I've experienced that I can't truly explain, visions, 2012, precognitive dreams, and lots more. Dig it and dig in!
Invisible World interview 3/23/2010
Invisible World interview 4/20/2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
the significance of Venus in 2012

Welcome back to the Agents of Venus blog. In an effort to kick start the project since our record release show about a month ago, I (Phil aka Zuben) will start posting things of significance either to the band or to Venus herself in hopes that it will generate some momentum. I have been having a bit of a hard time pulling it together financially since finishing the album, so I've been focusing more on that than on keeping this blog alive, but there have been some developments I want to report on in the coming days that involve our band, as well as some significant things I've discovered that involve both our world and Venus, and I wanted this blog to be big and small, so to speak, taking on a larger perspective of the significance of Venus to our world and hopefully finding 'smaller' connections to the themes of the AoV project. My objective lyrically was to be 'large and small' simultaneously, so I always wanted this blog to reflect that.
Once the name 'Agents of Venus' was selected for the band (literally as I was finishing the album cover - 7 years creating music under no name, and then in the final hours of production, the name sort of coagulated out of nothing - this is how the universe truly works - things are provided when they are needed and the quester is ready for the answers, and not before), I found that there was so much to talk about that choosing "Agents of Venus" as the name for this band was almost overwhelming. It was like I had opened a door I didn't even know was there and it led to an entirely knew wing to my own house, if that makes any sense. Hopefully this blog will help explore that entire new 'wing,' and together we can get to know the significance of this idea of what it means to be an "agent of love" together. I encourage your responses to any thing you might read on this blog, in hopes that it add more and more facets to this concept over the coming years. With all that in mind (and because my sister wanted to see this video):
There has been a lecture series event about the significance of extra terrestrials going on over the past couple years called Alien Event. You can go here to read up on it. I thought this video in particular was significant to a band calling itself Agents of Venus, as Sean David Morton talks about the significance of a Venus transit across the Sun in relation to Earth in June, 2012. According to Morton, the Mayans say this is the return of the divine feminine, the restoration of the quantum spiritual side of the brain, the twin flame of Quetzoquatl, the arrival of a female messiah. He does a real nice job of making things seem clear, so I thought I'd just introduce the idea here and let him do the talking. Enjoy:
ALIENEVENT Sean David Morton The Prophecy Of 2012 The Road To Tomorrow And Beyond LOS ANGELES, NOV 14, 2009 from Saeed David Farman on Vimeo.
PS -- I've mailed out a significant # of albums to the honorary agents who donated to our Boduvt fund, and I'm keen to hear anyone's take on the album. If you have something to say about our record, please drop me a line at agentsofvenus@gmail.com.
Agents of Venus,
alien event,
Sean David Morton,
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