Venus Central
Allen Towbin: Vox, Guitars, keyboards, bass, drum programming, songwriter, producer, engineer, L.A. Flair. Agent 333 aka Jack's Dad aka King Sol Omen the Decider (and owner of Sol Omen's deli on 24th and Park, NYC) aka Tweek Czar aka the New Sun aka Sir William Ocean the Water Shaker aka Allainsk Tobiansk aka Two Ton Tobleron aka the Golden Throat. Operates the Living Orchestra in Venus Boduvt Central Mothership via the Maze Studios. Freddy Mercury imitations, plumber's crack model. Sleeps erratically.

Advanced Scout

The Ground Crew
Mike Parillo: Drums, intensity, food critique, Takes No Shit. Aka Good Time aka St Mikey the Dragon Tamer aka Abe Froman, the Sausage King of NJ aka Mikale Parillonache aka the Knows aka the Modern Drummer aka the Italian Cyclone aka the Miker. Wields the flaming drumsticks of righteousness. Keeps the Mule in line. Makes the skins grin and the trap clap. Stays high and informed. 1/2 of 2 and 1/2.
Derrick Ogden: Bass, phraseologist, Lou Ferigno impersonator, Keeper of the Mule. Aka Homey Mulebagger (latin mulus baggus) aka Mad King Altas of Atlantis aka the Dragon aka Iowa Fatts aka Da Gront aka Coin Purse aka Sausage Salad Sandwich. Lays down the dragon lines with his steeds Slappy and Fatty. Can carry a whole band on his back (literally). Known to bite her thigh in the garden. Incan warrior and car salesman. 2 of 2 and 1/2.

well, i'm jealous! i wanna know what my aka's are, damn it! :)